Bed bugs can be very irritating if they infest a structure. There are a variety of options one can use as a multidisciplinary action and treat the bugs effectively. The treatment methods used can cause a huge effect when conducted wrongly. Some pesticides commonly used may have little to no effect on the bed bugs. Some of the bed bug extermination equipment methods include:
- Grade steamers
High temperatures don’t allow any life stage of the bed bug to survive. A steamer that achieves a temperature that exceeds 180℉ to a point where steams leaves the steam head, can kill the bed bugs and its eggs instantly. To test the effectiveness of the steamer, you can use an instant-read thermometer.
- Cryonite machines
Low temperatures can also kill the bed bugs. The cryonite machines, create powder-like dry ice from compressed carbon dioxide and kills the bed bugs in all its life stages upon contact. The temperature degree is less than -80℉ therefore the bed bugs can’t survive.
- Heaters
Bed bugs can’t survive the high temperatures emitted by a heater. The type of heater used depends on the temperature used and space for treatment. Heaters can be used at home and in large building areas. The usage of heat can eliminate manageable bed bug infestation at once. The cost incurred in heat treatment, is higher than traditional methods of controlling bed bugs.
- Use of pesticides
Chemical treatments serve an integral role in managing bed bugs. Liquid residual and dust based pesticides have shown extremely positive effect against bed bugs. Any facility that is been treated for bed bugs should be checked for crevices and cracks. Pesticides used should be applied according to the label instructions. Only use the pesticide for bed bug management and not any other cause whatsoever.
- Use of spray products
The spray products are available on the market and there is a variety of them over-the-counter. They kill bed bugs and their eggs upon contact with them and they have little to no effect when they dry up. Anyone who opts for this method should do a review of any research the manufacturer has in regards to how effective the product is against the bed bugs before purchase.
- Use of vacuums
After vacuuming the bed bugs from the infested area, it is advisable to dispose of the contents in a receptacle outdoor trash. One should have thorough training on how to dispose of the contents of the vacuum as bed bugs can live inside the vacuum and infest the facility again. It is advisable to use a vacuum that empties into a bag. It is important to note that vacuums are only effective on the insect and not the eggs.