Hiring professional portrait artists to do a portrait of your family or friend can be a very worthwhile investment in improving your image and painting a closer bond. Portrait painting is an old profession that has seen many evolutions over the years.
While traditionally, artists used their brush to paint portraits of royalty and members of the nobility, in modern times, they specialize in more modern, abstract styles of artwork. They can turn even the most mundane photograph of you, your family, or your friends into an incredible work of art. Here are some of the tips and tricks to finding and hiring professional portrait painters:
Check out your local competition: While most people think of portrait artists when they receive a commission for a painting, many talented new painters are starting in the back of the art gallery or on the street. Check out your local competition to see who is available to paint portraits.
If you live in a large city, check out the portrait studios or even the local gallery to see who offers what types of portraits. If you have friends who have had portraits done recently, ask them about the experience and tips for hiring a professional painter.
Research local Sargent companies: If you are thinking of doing some commissioned portraits, you will likely need to find a local Sargent company to complete the work. Most companies will accept requests for commissioned paintings, but it is always best to find one that specializes in black and white photography and traditional portraiture.
Hiring a Sargent is a great way to get your portraits painted quickly and at a reasonable price. Most agents will accept requests for portraits that require several poses, and many can also complete a full-length painting in one sitting. A reputable painting company will have a portfolio of their work to check out and will normally have examples of their work available for view on their website.
Work with paint by numbers custom professionals: It is important to find a local artist that you feel comfortable with. Some people like to paint as a hobby, but most become frustrated with the lack of creativity and quality in many paintings they paint. A good idea is to look through some of the artists’ portfolios or websites to determine what style of painting they specialize in.
It can be difficult to choose a particular style, so it is often a good idea to try a few different artists before making a final choice. Consider hiring an artist who has a website with samples of their work available for viewing.
Ask for referrals: Friends, family members, and co-workers are often the best source of references for a portrait painting. If you know of someone who owns a studio that does portraiture, ask them for names of their customers.
While a painting will not be perfect, it will capture the essence of your loved one. Feel free to ask about the techniques they use, the colors they use, and any other information that might be useful to you.