In today’s virus-plagued world, where there’s renewed emphasis on disinfection and sanitization, there’s one major challenge that businesses face: Purchasing sanitization fluids, gels and sprays is extremely cost prohibitive. As a result, many organizations have chosen to install in-house hypochlorous acid generators.

Understanding the Science

So, why are businesses all over the world opting for a commercial hypochlorous acid generator as their disinfectant solution of choice? Well, the first reason is that now, Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is proven to be magnitudes (10x by some estimates) more potent at inactivating viruses and bacteria than Quaternary Ammonium Compounds (QACs). Additionally, HOCI is 60-times more efficacious than most Chlorine Based disinfectants. It’s no wonder then, that HOCI is one of the disinfectants recommended by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

But that’s not all – although those are key factors leaning in favor of HOCI-based disinfectants. Unlike complicated formulas used in most other commercial sanitizers, the chemistry involved, in producing HOCI, is also extremely simple and straightforward:

  • A saltwater solution (H2O + NaCI) and an electrolytic process

Salt. Water. Electricity…that’s all that’s involved!

With activist groups, environmental organizations and other eco-friendly entities genuinely concerned about the impact of harsh chemicals on our planet, using a hypochlorous acid solution as the disinfectant of choice makes perfect sense. And businesses all around the world agree!

On a practical level, the growing popularity of HOCI-based sanitizers also has a human element to it. When produced on a commercial scale, in climatically-controlled laboratories and through vigorous quality assurance processes, Hypochlorous acid has a pH value of 7. So, what does this mean for employees, customers, guests, patients, and visitors of establishments using HOCI disinfectants?

Well, it means that, at pH levels of 7, Hypochlorous acid won’t act as an irritant to the mucosa (nose), eyes, or skin. It’s unlikely to contribute to itchy skin, red eye, and conditions such eczema, even with repeated and extended use. And that good news for everyone – including young children, pets, and plants!

Seeing the many benefits from using HOCI, it makes sense for businesses to consider the installation and use of an in-house commercial hypochlorous acid generator.

Real World Benefits

The use of industrial chemical-based sanitizers has well-known health impacts – from skin rashes to eye irritants, and in some serious cases serious allergic reactions.  Many businesses would therefore like to move away from harsh chemical-based disinfection protocols. Unfortunately, most alternatives are either commercially infeasible, or are cost prohibitive to install and maintain. Fortunately, there is a more practical and cost-effective option – a hypochlorous acid solution generator.

So, does investing in a HOCI generator really deliver tangible benefits, compared to traditional cleaning and disinfecting (C&D) methods, in the real-world? There’s scientific evidence, based on real-world testing, that of two surfaces treated with disinfectants – one with HOCI and the other with an ammonia-based product – HOCI resulted in significantly lower bacterial counts.

The generators are available for a wide array of applications, from large industrial and commercial complexes, to smaller businesses, retail enterprises and yes, even multi-unit residential use. HOCI generators give businesses the flexibility to manufacture unlimited quantities of disinfectant – and they do it in-bulk, in-house, and at a lower price-point than commercially available shrink-wrapped solutions.